
Vigorous Steve is an alias I created several years ago when I started coaching people in Thailand and other Asian countries. My real name is Stephan, but I prefer to keep my family name private as I’m completely open & honest about my PED use. Unfortunately, many people in Asia were unable to correctly pronounce my real name, resulting in “Sa-Tay-Fan” or “Strayfaan” or something along those lines…

After a few years, I started Introducing myself as “Steve”, an Americanized version of my real name, which fewer people had trouble pronouncing! If you’re old enough to remember The Jerry Springer Show; I would hear those “Steve! Steve! Steve!” chants whenever we played football in high school LOL!

The “Vigorous” addition came later after I started a YouTube Channel about the bodybuilding scene in Thailand and the rest of Asia. I frequently heard people say I always trained extremely intense, moved heavy weight, looked healthy (unlike most bodybuilders), and was extremely passionate to share ALL of my bodybuilding Knowledge without hesitation. Vigorous seemed to be an all-encompassing word for most aspects of my life and the “Vigorous Steve” alias was born!

Shortly after the launch of The Vigorous Steve YouTube Channel in 2013, I met my (now) wife Nan Wanwisa and started coaching her for her upcoming competitions. She later qualified for the National Team at the Mr. Thailand in 2014, and represented Thailand by placing 1st at the South East Asian Championships, 1st at the Asian Championships & 3rd at the World Championships. During these 15 months of continues contest prep, I got an overwhelming amount of Coaching Clients and the YouTube Channel took a back seat to my Growing Coaching Business.

Fast Forward to 2020; I’ve relaunched The Vigorous Steve YouTube Channel with an accompanying VigorousSteve.com website where I post detailed articles about everything related to bodybuilding in the context of health.

While my Wife has already retired from competing with 1 Gold & 1 Bronze Medal at the Mr. Thailand, 1 Gold Medal at the South East Asian Championships, 3 Gold Medals at the Asian Championship, and 4 Gold, 1 Silver & 1 Bronze Medals at the World Championships. Never placing out of the Top 3 over 16 competitions!!

I’ve been actively coaching competitive & non-competitive bodybuilders since 2013. In the last 7-8 years I’ve probably helped over 1,000 Body Builders & Fitness Enthusiasts, either through coaching, consultations, personal training, posing practice, personalized advice by email & the private Facebook group.
Although I’m unsure how many people I’ve helped by providing information through YouTube & Instagram over the Years!

Nowadays I mostly focus on coaching a limited clientele of Full-Time Recreational Bodybuilders who prefer to take the healthy approach, while gaining muscle & improve their physique. Although I still coach Long-Time Clients who compete in bodybuilding shows, it’s no longer the primary focus and will not be accepting any new competitive bodybuilder clients in the future.

Sometime in 2016, I realized that Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Clients or Casual Fitness Enthusiasts, didn’t need 1-on-1 coaching and would benefit more from a Consultation instead. I now do several online Zoom consultations per week with people all over the world, including Full-Time Recreational & Competitive Bodybuilders.

Due to the ever-increasing demand for online coaching, I decided to launch a Private Facebook Group, where EVERYTHING I know about bodybuilding, health, longevity, blood work, training, nutrition, supplementation, Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs), contest prep, and the minutia that comes along with everything in bodybuilding, could be found. I closed the group as it was not very popular. Some of those Articles are now published here on VigorousSteve.com for free, while others are available as Individual E-Books.