
Zoom Video Call Consultations are meant for Personalized Advice regarding your fitness journey, the current state of health, blood work review, safer Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) practices, nutrition and training advice, or anything else you have questions about and require an expert’s second opinion on.

During a consultation; You and Steve will review your current fitness protocol, and discuss a healthy and sustainable approach going forward, allowing you to reach your goals in a good state of health!

Consultations aren’t limited to health and fitness advice. Steve is also available to discuss cryptocurrency trading, international business, international banking, offer relationship advice, advise how to escape the Matrix, and live life on your own terms!

Steve IS NOT A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL and isn’t able to resolve severe medical conditions! Please seek (immediate) medical attention from a qualified physician, if your bloodwork results indicate organ stress or damage!

Purchase a Consultation with Steve

Consultation Fees

Zoom Consultations are available in the following time slots:
• 20 Minutes; 675 USD
• 40 Minutes*; 1,215 USD (10% discount)
• 1 Hour**; 1,620 USD (20% discount)
• 10-Hour Coaching Package; 11,140 USD (45% discount, details below)

Please write down ALL of your questions and email them in advance of the consultation. If you have Blood Work Results for review, email them to Steve before scheduling a consultation! That way, Steve can go over your results and assess how much time is required to discuss your current state of health and the adjustments that need to take place going forward.

Consultation Extension

* If you scheduled a 20-minute consultation and you’d like to extend the call to 40-minutes, then you can transfer the difference of 540 USD (1,215 USD – 675 USD), or 945 USD if you’d like to extend the call to a 1-hour consultation (1,620 USD – 675 USD) after the consultation has concluded.

** If you scheduled a 40-minute consultation and you’d like to extend the call to 1 hour, then you can transfer the difference of 405 USD (1,620 USD – 1,215 USD), after the consultation has concluded.

If the consultation lasts over 1 hour, it can be extended with 20-minute intervals at 540 USD each. Below are the costs for each 20-minute extension, following a 1-hour consultation:
• 20 Minutes; 540 USD (A 20-minute-only consultation is 675 USD, as mentioned above)
• 40 Minutes; 980 USD (A 40-minute-only consultation is 1,215 USD, as mentioned above)
• 1 Hour; 1,620 USD

Extending a consultation is only possible if scheduling permits. Please reserve adequate time to review your bloodwork and discuss all of your questions with Steve. Extensions might not be possible if Steve has another appointment scheduled afterward.

Coaching Package Extension

If you’re satisfied with the advice and recommendations Steve has given you during the initial consultation call, and you’d like a more continuous Coach-Client collaboration with Coach Steve, consider extending your consultation to the 10-Hour Consultation Coaching Package.

Steve will offer you the difference between the consultation already paid for, and the total fee for the 10-hour package, minus the minutes already spend during the initial consultation.
EXAMPLE: If you’ve already had a 40-minute consultation and paid 1,215 USD, then you can transfer 9,925 USD (11,140 USD – 1,215 USD) for the remaining 560 minutes (600 minutes – 40 minutes) offered in the 10-hour package! This offer is valid for 1 week after the initial consultation!


Steve currently resides in Bangkok, Thailand in the GMT+7 ICT time zone. Consultations are available during these hours on specific days of the week:
• Daily*; 12:00 AM until 2:00 AM (to start a 40-minute or 1-hour consultation) or 2:30 AM (to start a 20-minute consultation). Extending the consultation beyond 3:00 AM is not possible!
• Monday to Saturday; 1:00 PM until 7:00 PM (to start a 40-minute or 1-hour consultation) or 7:30 PM (to start a 20-minute consultation). Extending the consultation beyond 8:00 PM is not possible!
• Sunday; 1:00 PM (first come, first served). Extending a consultation beyond 2:00 PM is not possible!

* Steve prefers to schedule consultations between Monday to Saturday, from 12:00 AM until 2:00 AM GMT+7 ICT time! You can convert the time difference between your location and Bangkok, Thailand, here:

Please inform Steve of your current location and the time zone you live in, and include your availability over the next couple of days, within the aforementioned time slots. Steve is only able to offer and reserve a time slot and schedule the Zoom conference call in advance, AFTER receiving payment.

Due to the increased demand for consultations, Steve isn’t able to propose time slots without payment reservation! Once payment has been received, a time slot is reserved, and your Zoom conference call link has been emailed, you have 24 hours to confirm the appointment or propose a different time slot (pending availability).
If you do not confirm the appointment, Steve will propose this available time slot to another consultation client.

Reschedule or Cancel a Booked Consultation

You’re able to postpone, reschedule, or cancel a paid consultation, up to 24 hours in advance of the pre-scheduled consultation with Steve. If for whatever reason, you’re unable to contact Steve ahead of time, then your paid consultation becomes void, and you will not have the opportunity to reschedule the consultation to a later date, or receive a refund! NO EXCEPTIONS!

10-Hour Consultation Coaching Package

The 10-Hour Consultation Coaching Package is meant for people who need more frequent contact with Coach Steve, and require more specific and prolonged knowledge transfer compared to what is offered during Consultations or the Personalized Advice by Email Service. During these 10 hours, clients can ask Coach Steve questions for as long as needed, take notes, discuss ideas, review blood work, adjust their diet, etc.

This service works similarly to a lawyer retainer fee; minutes spent during consultations, or answering questions by email, are deducted from the 10-Hour Consultation Coaching Package (retainer). This package offers 45% discount based on the 675 USD fee for a 20-minute consultation and is the only available service that offers continuous coaching.

The 10-Hour Consultation Coaching Package includes a personalized diet, supplement, and performance enhancing drug protocol (if needed), covering your macro- and micro-nutrients. With a FULL breakdown of your daily amino acid, carbohydrate, fiber, fatty acid, vitamin, and mineral intake.
Protocol adjustments can be made during scheduled consultations, or billed per 1-minute before emailing you the updated Microsoft Excel sheet.

Coaching Package Breakdown

This service is billed on a per-minute basis, at a minimum of 20 minutes per consultation call without a maximum duration, unless time restrictions prevent further extension. Email conversations do not have a minimum, you can email Coach Steve as often as you feel necessary. At the end of each interaction, you will receive a breakdown of the amount of minutes used, thus far. The full 10 hours or 600 minutes can be broken into calls & emails like this:
• Consultation 1; 90 minutes
• Consultation 2; 45 minutes
• Consultation 3; 20 minutes
• Questions by Email 1; 10 minutes
• Consultation 4; 130 minutes
• Consultation 5; 25 minutes
• Consultation 6; 30 minutes
• Questions by Email 2; 15 minutes
• Consultation 7; 50 minutes
• Consultation 8; 40 minutes
• Consultation 9; 20 minutes
• Consultation 10; 35 minutes
• Consultation 11; 65 minutes
• Questions by Email 3; 5 minutes
• Consultation 12; 20 minutes
Total: 10 hours / 600 minutes

Coaching Package Fees

The 10-Hour Consultation Coaching Package is 11,140 USD, this is over 30% discount on the regular 1-hour consultation fee of 1,620 USD, or a 45% discount on the regular 20-minute consultation fee of 675 USD. The package is ONLY payable as a one-time payment with Cryptocurrency, International Bank Transfer, or (Transfer) Wise.

Coaching Package Extension

In case you’ve already had a previous consultation with Steve and would like to proceed with the 10-Hour Consultation Coaching Package, then you can deduct the costs and minutes spent during the initial consultation, from the 10-Hour package.
EXAMPLE: If you’ve already had a 1-hour consultation and paid 1,620 USD, then you can transfer 9,520 USD for the remaining 500 minutes offered in the 10-Hour package! This offer is valid for 1 week after the initial consultation!

Installments or spread payments are not possible!

Coaching Package Discontinuation

If you’re somehow unable to finish the full 10 hours or 600 minutes offered in this Consultation Coaching Package, you can request a partial refund. However, you will be charged based on the current 1-hour consultation fee of 1,620 USD, at 27 USD per 1 minute.
EXAMPLE: If you only used or require 225 minutes to reach your goals and have all of your questions answered, then you’ve spent 6,075 USD worth of consultation calls & personalized emails ( 225 minutes x 27 USD ) based on the current 1-hour consultation rate, and are entitled to a 5,065 USD refund ( 11,140 USD – 6,075 USD ). However, if you’ve exceeded 413 minutes of this package, then you’re unable to request a refund! ( 413 minutes x 27 USD = 11,151 USD)

Payment Methods

• Credit Cards; all major credit cards are supported through the webshop.
• Cryptocurrency; contact Steve directly for the BTC, ETH, or USDT address.

Purchase a Consultation with Steve or Contact Steve

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. Do you offer a discount on consultation fees for students, retirees, veterans, etc.?
A. There are NO discounts on consultation services, please respect Steve’s time and expertise and pay the aforementioned fees, for the consultation duration you’re interested in. If your financial situation only allows for a 20-minute consultation, please make sure you prioritize your questions ahead of time. That way, Steve can address the most important topics at the start of the consultation. If you’re unable to afford the consultation fees, consider the Personalized Advice by Email Service instead.

Q. Which blood work markers should I check before scheduling a consultation about my first cycle, or Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) protocol?
Please read the following articles:
When are you Ready for your First Cycle?
Medical Screening required before your First Cycle
Essential Health Monitoring Devices
Coach Steve’s Year-Round Supplement Stack
C-Reactive Protein & Carrier Oils Within Pharmaceuticals

If you’re unsure which blood work markers to test for and already have a particular cycle planned out ahead of time, transfer the fee for a 20-minute consultation (retainer) and correspond your ideas to Steve here. He will contact you with the appropriate markers and required health screening.

Q. Does a single consultation offer continuous email support afterward?
A. After a consultation, you’re entitled to ONE follow-up email with Steve. To confirm the advice we discussed during the consultation, and ask for any clarification where needed. Depending on the duration of your previous consultation, Steve will reserve between 3-10 minutes to read and answer your follow-up email. Please write down any questions that might arise after this follow-up email, and schedule another 20-minute consultation once you feel you have enough topics to discuss.
Otherwise, look into the Personalized Advice by Email Service to cover additional follow-up questions! If you think each of your follow-up emails requires less than 10 minutes to read and answer, consider a 30-minute plus retainer for this service, which allows for 10x 3-minute follow-up emails!

Q. Is a consultation the same as lifestyle or bodybuilding coaching?
A. Steve “coaches” many people through consultations, on an as-needed basis. You’re free to schedule a follow-up consultation at your own discretion, whenever you feel the need to discuss your progress, questions, blood work updates, or anything else you’d like an expert opinion on.
Please reply to your previous email conversations with Steve, and provide a quick summary of what was discussed and recommended during the previous consultation. It’s impossible to remember personalized advice for each individual client.
If you’d like more frequent contact with Steve and require a personalized nutritional program, consider the 10-Hour Consultation Coaching Package instead.

Q. Can we schedule the consultation over the phone, Skype, WhatsApp, Instagram, or another application?
A. Steve prefers Zoom conference calls over other applications, Steve does not share his private phone number! Use a VPN if Zoom is blocked in your country.

Q. Does Steve email detailed notes of what was discussed during the consultation?
A. Due to time constraints, Steve is unable to provide notes once the consultation is concluded. Please write down all the important information discussed, and use your follow-up email to confirm, or ask for further clarification where required.
Otherwise, look into the Personalized Advice by Email Service to cover additional follow-up questions!

Q. I do not speak English very well, can a friend join the consultation to help with translations?
A. Yes that is no problem at all and is highly encouraged, to ensure you get the most out of your time with Steve.

Q. I only have enough questions for a 10-minute consultation, can a friend join with his/her questions to reach a 20-minute consultation?
A. Yes that is no problem at all. However, please understand that it won’t be possible to review the blood work results of 2 individuals, and discuss solutions to improve health, within a short window of 10 minutes per person.
Otherwise, look into the 10-minute Personalized Advice by Email Service to cover your questions!

Q. Can I pre-pay 1-hour, and spread the time out over multiple consultations?
A. You can split a pre-paid 1-hour consultation into two 30-minute consultations, but not three 20-minute consultations. Keep in mind that Steve reviews your questions and blood work results ahead of each consultation, and takes time to read and answer your follow-up email afterward.
If for whatever reason you need to cancel the second 30-minute consultation after the first 30-minute consultation already took place, you will be charged 1,013 USD (based on the 20-minute consultation rate of 33.75 USD per 1-minute) and can request a 607 USD refund (1,620 USD – 607 USD). Pre-paid consultations are valid for up to 3 months after purchase.

Q. Do you offer in-person consultations in Bangkok, Thailand?
A. Steve isn’t available to meet in-person anywhere in Thailand. The travel time involved makes in-person consultations incredibly time-inefficient, and that’s beside the fact that public places in Thailand are often very noisy and highly distracting.

Q. I’m traveling to Bangkok, Thailand soon. Can I train with Steve, or treat him to dinner, cigar, evening out, etc?
A. Steve isn’t a friend-for-hire and prefers to spend, what little time he has left during the day, with his wife.