The Bathmate & DHT Cream Experiment
In this article I’ll explain how to run the Bathmate Experiment, which also includes Andractin DHT Cream, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), Tadalafil (Cialis), Thymosin Beta-4 Fragment 17-23 (TB-500), Body Protection Compound Fragment 157 (BPC-157), Growth Hormone & Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors (DPP-4Is).
Before we get started, I just want to make clear that by participating in this experiment, you are responsible for your overall health. Whether that’s the health of your penis, the health of your hairline, or blood work management, that’s entirely up to you.
I feel that the protocol is reasonably safe and will follow the instructions 100% through, I’m not recommending anything in this email, that I wouldn’t do myself!
That being said, I do not know your current state of health, and participation in this experiment doesn’t include health coaching, or frequent email contact to answer questions. I don’t have the time unless you purchase a timeslot for a consultation or personalized advice by email. Here are the rates:
Personalized Advice by Email:
WARNING: this protocol might cause HPTA suppression and testicular shutdown, this protocol might cause hair loss, this protocol might induce sleepiness, and this protocol will SURELY set you back financially!
Protocol & Shopping List
Ideally, you join this experiment for 1 month, but preferably 2 months. I’ve broken down the costs (excluding shipping fees) so you know what to expect!
1x Bahtmate – $108 to $270
15 to 20 Minutes of Vacuum, up to 5x weekly! I’ll leave this at your own discretion and experience!
Preferably you do this entire protocol at the end of the day, especially when you take higher dosages of Growth Hormone, which can make you sleepy. Also, the night-time erections you would get while sleeping will be greatly enhanced while the DHT Cream, Cialis, Growth Hormone, TB-500 & BPC-157, and perhaps DPP-4Is, are still active from the evening Penis Pumping session!
Purchase A Bathmate Here
Affiliate Link:
Andractim Gel or Compounded DHT Gel
2mL to 4mL Besins Healthcare Andractim Gel 80mL 2.5% (Dihydrotestosterone) Daily – $262 per 20 Days at 4mL Daily – $524 (1 Month: 2 Tubes) or $786 (2 Months: 3 Tubes)
Protocol: 2mL Andractim or Compounded DHT Gel applied to the entire Penis (not the Testicles) 30 Minutes before Penis Pumping, up to 5x weekly & another 2mL Andractim or Compounded DHT Gel applied to the entire Penis (not the Testicles) before Bed daily!
Make sure you let the gel dry completely to ensure complete absorption of the Dihydrotestosterone before using the Bahtmate! When using Andractim of Compounded DHT Gel before bed, wear a loose bit big boxer shorts to prevent ANY kind of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from transferring to your partner, as she might absorb some of the DHT and get virilizing effects over this 1 to 2 months experiment!
Andractim Gel or Home-Compounded Raw DHT Gel should be limited to 2mL per application, more is not better, any more than 2mL, which is 50mcg Raw DHT Powder, would not absorption into the Penis and would be wasted once you insert your Penis into the Bathmate will with water! You can apply 2mL twice per day, when the Penis is going to be engorged, either by the use of the Bathmate or with night-time erections while you’re sleeping.
Andractim DHT Gel Source
• Besins Healthcare Andractim Gel 80mL 2.5% (Dihydrotestosterone); PCT Mart 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
Home-Compounded Raw DHT Gel Source
If Andractim is out of stock, or too expensive (which is fucking is, let’s be honest), then you can compound your own 2.5% DHT Gel with these instructions, for about $150 for a 2 month supply:
Buy 20 to 33 grams of Raw Dihydrotestosterone (Stanolone) Powder at PurplePandaRaws*: &
*Unfortunately, they have a minimum order of $100, but you could mix & match the Raw DHT powder with anything else on their website!
Buy ANY kind of fast-drying face moisturizing gel you prefer, and mix 2.5 grams Raw DHT Powder per 100mL gel. If your moisturizer comes in a tube, empty 100mL into a container, add 2.5 grams Raw DHT Powder, mix carefully for a homogenous 2.5% Solution!
For example, if you get this product from Amazon, which is a 48g container of moisturizing gel, then you mix 1.25 grams Raw DHT Powder into it, for a 2.5% Solution
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (Urine Purified or Recombinant)
1,500iu rHCG Weekly – Merck Ovitrelle Recombinant HCG 6,500iu Pens – $80 to $140 (1 Month: 2 Pens) or $160 to $280 (2 Months: 4 Pens)
Protocol: 500iu rHCG 3x weekly on Monday-Wednesday-Friday, ideally upon waking. You don’t have to take the HCG before Penis Pumping, it has a long active life, and might keep you awake when taken too late in the day!
The reason why we’re adding HCG in at 500iu SubQ 3x weekly on Mon-Wed-Fri, is because there is some scientific evidence that HCG + Penis Pumping, is more effective than Penis Pumping alone. I discuss this in the HCG Deep-Dive Video here:
Citation: Li, T. et al. (October 2, 2023) HCG supplement did not accelerate tunica albuginea remodeling to facilitate penile growth. Scientific Reports, 13(1):16519. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-38888-y
The second reason for using HCG is due to DHT Gel that you’re going to apply to your penis, which is very close to the Testicles. Topical DHT will 100% downregulate the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis (HPTA) and stop Testosterone production as well as spermatogenesis. If you’re currently not using TRT or Steroids, then the HCG will ensure normal Testosterone & Estradiol levels, and if you are on TRT or Steroids, then the HCG will ensure a normal balance between Testosterone & Estradiol.
That being said, YOU are responsible for any changes that might occur to serum Testosterone, Dihydrotestosterone & Estradiol levels. If that means you need to use additional Aromatase Inhibitors or 5Alpha Reductase Inhibitors, please confirm that with blood work and get a baseline reading before you start this experiment!
If you can’t find recombinant HCG or it’s too expensive, you can use Urine-Purified HCG with the sources mentioned above, albeit that the quality of Urine-Purified HCG has taken a nosedive lately, and might not work as expected!
Recombinant HCG Sources
• Merck Ovitrelle 6,500iu Syringe @ 6,500iu/0.5mL (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin); 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS & 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Merck Ovitrelle 6,500iu Syringe @ 6,500iu/0.5mL (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin);
Urine-Purified HCG Sources
• Amino Asylum HCG 5,000iu Vial (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin); Amino Asylum 20% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Modern Aminos HCG 2,500iu Vial / 5,000iu Vial (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin); Modern Aminos 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• IBSA Choriomon 5,000iu Vial @ 5,000iu/1mL (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin); 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS & 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Merck Sharp Dohne (MSD) Pregnyl 5,000iu Vial (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin); 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Bharat Serums & Vaccines Hucog 5,000iu Vial (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin); PCT Mart 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Bharat Serums & Vaccines Hucog 10,000iu Vial (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin); PCT Mart 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Lupin Lupi-HCG 5,000iu Vial (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin); PCT Mart 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Beligas Pharma HCG 5,000iu Vial (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin); Official Beligas Pharmacy 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Beligas Pharma HCG 10,000iu Vial (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin); Official Beligas Pharmacy 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
Tadalafil (Cialis)
5mg Cialis Daily – $30 to $50 (1 Month: 150mg Total) & $60 to $100 (2 Months: 300mg Total)
Protocol: 5mg Cialis before Penis Pumping OR before Bed, taken at the exact same time daily. Feel free to increase the dose to 10mg daily if needed. Please be mindful of your blood pressure if you’re already using blood pressure medications like Telmisartan, Nebivolol, Lisinopril, etc.!
Watch the ENTIRE Cialis Deep-Dive here so you understand the potential side effects:
Honestly, it doesn’t really matter which brand of Cialis you use, just go for the best deal you can find, but make sure it’s working as expected.
Tadalafil (Cialis) Sources
• Amino Asylum Tadalafil 600mg/30mL @ 20mg/1mL Solution; Amino Asylum 20% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Modern Aminos Tadalafil 60x 5mg Capsules / 600mg/30mL @ 20mg/1mL Solution; Modern Aminos 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Eli Lilly Cialis 14x 5mg Tablets (Tadalafil); 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Zentiva Afilta 4x 20mg Tablets (Tadalafil); 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Vidalista 10x 20mg Tablets (Tadalafil); PCT Mart 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Beligas Pharma Retho Cialis 50x 25mg Tablets (Tadalafil); Official Beligas Pharmacy 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
Growth Hormone (Somatropin)
OVER 2iu Growth Hormone Daily – OVER $60 (1 Month: OVER 60iu Total) & OVER $120 (2 Months: OVER 120iu Total)
Protocol: 2iu to 4iu Growth Hormone Intramuscular 2.5 Hours before (night-time) Penis Pumping & up to 14iu SubQ before Bed if additional Growth Hormone is required for your bodybuilding aspirations, or 2iu to 18iu SubQ before Bed on Non-Pumping Days. Keep the dose consistent daily to minimize variables!
Ideally, you use more than 2iu Pharmaceutical grade Growth Hormone daily, as this is the minimum amount of Growth Hormone needed for synergy between the other compounds.
We don’t know the quality and purity of generics, but if that’s all you can afford, run AT LEAST 2iu Generic Growth Hormone daily during the experiments.
Pharmaceutical Growth Hormone (Somatropin) Sources
• Eli Lilly Humatrope 18iu Cartridge @ 6mg (Somatropin); 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Eli Lilly Humatrope 36iu Cartridge @ 12mg (Somatropin); 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Eli Lilly Humatrope 72iu Cartridge @ 24mg (Somatropin); 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Pfizer Genotropin 36iu Pen @ 12mg/1.5mL (Somatropin); 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS & 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS & 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Pfizer Genotropin 16 to 36iu Pen @ 5.3 to 12mg/1.5mL (Somatropin); PCT Mart 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Novo Nordisk Norditropin NordiFlex 15iu Pen 5mg/1.5mL (Somatropin); 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Novo Nordisk Norditropin NordiFlex 30iu Pen 10mg/1.5mL (Somatropin); 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Novo Nordisk Norditropin NordiFlex 45iu Pen 15mg/1.5mL (Somatropin); 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Sandoz Omnitrope 15iu Cartridge @ 5mg/1.5mL (Somatropin); 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Sandoz Omnitrope 30iu Cartridge @ 10mg/1.5mL (Somatropin); 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Sandoz Omnitrope 45iu Cartridge @ 15mg/1.5mL (Somatropin); 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Merck Saizen 36iu Vial @ 12mg/1.5mL (Somatropin); 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS & 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Merck Saizen 60iu Vial @ 20mg/2.5mL (Somatropin); 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS & 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Merck-Serone Serostim 126iu 7x 18iu Vials (Somatropin); 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Sandoz Omnitrope 15iu to 45iu Cartridges, Pfizer Genotropin 16iu to 36iu GoQuick Pens & Merck Saizen 36iu to 60iu Cartridges (Somatropin);
Generic Growth Hormone (Somatropin) Sources
• Beligas Pharma Beltropin 36iu Pen (Somatropin); Official Beligas Pharmacy 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Beligas Pharma Beltropin 10x 10iu Vials (Somatropin); Official Beligas Pharmacy 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
Growth Hormone Secretagogues Sources
• Amino Asylum CJC-1295 (No DAC) 2mg Vial; Amino Asylum 20% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Modern Aminos CJC-1295 (No DAC) 2mg Vial; Modern Aminos 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Modern Aminos CJC-1295 (No DAC) 5mg + Ipamorelin 5mg Vial; Modern Aminos 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Modern Aminos CJC-1295 (With DAC) 5mg Vial; Modern Aminos 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Beligas Pharma CJC-1295 (With DAC) 2mg Vial; Official Beligas Pharmacy 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Amino Asylum GHRP-2 5mg Vial (Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone-2); Amino Asylum 20% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Amino Asylum GHRP-6 5mg Vial (Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone-2); Amino Asylum 20% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Beligas Pharma GHRP-2 5mg Vial (Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone-2); Official Beligas Pharmacy 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Beligas Pharma GHRP-62 5mg Vial (Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone-6); Official Beligas Pharmacy 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Amino Asylum Ipamorelin 2mg Vial; Amino Asylum 20% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Modern Aminos Ipamorelin 5mg Vial; Modern Aminos 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Beligas Pharma Ipamorelin 2mg Vial; Official Beligas Pharmacy 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Modern Aminos Sermorelin 2mg Vial & 5mg Vial; Modern Aminos 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Beligas Pharma Sermorelin 2mg Vial; Official Beligas Pharmacy 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Modern Aminos Tesamorelin 5mg Vial; Modern Aminos 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Beligas Pharma Hexarelin 2mg Vial; Official Beligas Pharmacy 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Modern Aminos MK-677 60x 10mg Capsules / 900mg/30mL @ 30mg/1mL Solution (Ibutamoren); Modern Aminos 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• MK-677 (Ibutamoren Mesylate) 1g Powder; 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• MK-677 (Ibutamoren Mesylate) 750mg (25mg/mL) Solution; 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Beligas Pharma Ibutamoren 50x 15mg Tablets (Ibutamoren Mesylate); Official Beligas Pharmacy 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
Thymosin Beta-4 Fragment 17-23 (TB-500)
1mg TB-500 Daily – $240 to $495 (1 Month: 30mg Total) or $480 to $990 (2 Months: 60mg Total)
Protocol: 1mg TB-500 Intramuscularly anywhere on the body, 1 Hour before (night-time) Penis Pumping, or SubQ before Bed on Non-Pumping Days. Keep the dose consistent daily to minimize variables!
We’re using TB-500 to induce angiogenesis and increase blood flow to the penis, which should enhance the effects of the Dihydrotestosterone, Growth Hormone & Cialis.
Thymosin Beta-4 Fragment 17-23 (TB-500) Sources
• Amino Asylum TB-500 5mg/10mL Nasal Spray (50mcg/spray); Amino Asylum 20% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Amino Asylum TB-500 5mg Vial; Amino Asylum 20% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Modern Aminos BPC-157 5mg + TB-500 5mg Vial / 60x BPC-157 500mcg + TB-500 500mcg Capsules; Modern Aminos 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Modern Aminos TB-500 5mg Vial & 10mg Vial; Modern Aminos 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• TB-500 Acetate 50mg Nasal Spray (500mcg/spray); 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Beligas Pharma TB-500 5mg Vial; Official Beligas Pharmacy 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
1mg BPC-157 Daily – $168 to $180 (1 Month: 30mg Total) or $328 to $360 (2 Months: 60mg Total)
Protocol: 1mg TB-500 Intramuscularly anywhere on the body, 1 Hour before (night-time) Penis Pumping, or SubQ before Bed on Non-Pumping Days. Keep the dose consistent daily to minimize variables!
We’re using BPC-157 to induce angiogenesis and increase blood flow to the penis, which should enhance the effects of the Dihydrotestosterone, Growth Hormone & Cialis.
Body Protection Compound Fragment (BPC-157) Sources
• Amino Asylum BPC-157 5mg/10mL Nasal Spray (50mcg/spray); Amino Asylum 20% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Amino Asylum BPC-157 5mg Vial; Amino Asylum 20% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Modern Aminos BPC-157 5mg Vial / 60x 500mcg Capsules; Modern Aminos 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Modern Aminos BPC-157 5mg + TB-500 5mg Vial / 60x BPC-157 500mcg + TB-500 500mcg Capsules; Modern Aminos 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• BPC-157 Acetate 50mg Nasal Spray (500mcg/spray); 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• BPC-157 Acetate – Aliquot 5mg Vial; 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
• Beligas Pharma BPC-157 2mg Vial & 5mg Vial; Official Beligas Pharmacy 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Inhibitors (DPP-4Is)
Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Inhibitors (DPP-4Is) – $100 (1 Month) to $200 (2 Months)
If you have access to, and understand the mechanisms of Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Inhibitors, then you could combine TB-500 & BPC-157 to prevent their breakdown and enhance their effects. It’s completely up to your discretion and experience, the use of Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Inhibitors isn’t required for this protocol to work.
– Linagliptin (Tradjenta): Half-Life; 12 hours, Dose: 2.5mg to 5mg alongside the TB-500 & BPC-157 injections. Avoid formulations containing Empagliflozin!
• Saxagliptin (Onglyza): Half-Life; 2.5 to 3.1 hours, Dose: 1.25mg to 5mg alongside the TB-500 & BPC-157 injections
• Sitagliptin (Januvia): Half-Life; 8 to 14 hours, Dose: 50mg to 100mg alongside the TB-500 & BPC-157 injections. Avoid formulations containing Empagliflozin!
• Vildagliptin (Galvus): Half-Life; 1.3 to 2.4 hours, Dose: 25mg to 50mg alongside the TB-500 & BPC-157 injections
For most beginners, 50mg Januvia 1 Hour before their TB-500 & BPC-157 administrations, should be sufficient to prevent the breakdown of these peptides
Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Inhibitor Sources
• Merck, Sharp & Dohme (MSD) Januvia 28x 100mg Tablets (Sitagliptin); 10% Discount Code: VIGOROUS
Total Costs
Based on my calculations, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour…. Actually, based on my calculations you’ll probably send around $800 per month to follow this full protocol, which is not something I’d expect from everybody that is participating.
Participant Questionnaire
If you want to participate, please fill out these details:
Name (Optional):
Bathmate Model: Hydro / Hydromax / HydroXtreme
Previous Bathmate Experience: YES / NO
Expected Protocol Duration: 1 Month / 2 Months
Starting Penis Length (Measured on top of the Penis): in Millimeters, not Centimeters or Inches!
Starting Penis Girth (Base of the Penis): in Millimeters, not Centimeters or Inches!
Andractim 2.5% DHT Gel Dose: None / 2mL Daily / 4mL Daily
Compounded 2.5% DHT Gel Dose: None / 2mL Daily / 4mL Daily
HCG Dose: None / 1,500iu Weekly
HCG Kind: Recombinant (Merck Ovitrelle) / Urine-Purified
Cialis Dose: None / 5mg Daily / 10mg Daily
Cialis Kind: Branded Pharmaceutical / Generic
Growth Hormone Dose: None / 2iu Daily / Over 2iu Daily (Specify!)
Growth Hormone Kind: Branded Pharmaceutical / Generic
TB-500 Dose: None / 1mg Daily
BPC-157 Dose: None / 1mg Daily
DPP-4I Brand & Dose; None / Specify!
NEEDLESS TO SAY; ALL Penis Measurements are done while FULLY ERECT!
Ideally, you measure the Length & Girth of your Erect Penis weekly at the end of each week and email me changes week to week so I know how the protocol is working for you.
You can use a measuring tape for Length & Girth measurements, and Graph Paper to trace the outline of your Erect Penis at the start of this experiment, and every week going forward. There’s a ton of different Graph Paper out there and Amazon doesn’t really give me the results I’m after. I would suggest the most detailed Graph Paper you can find, which keeps track of Millimeters & Centimeters, or at least 10 x 10 boxes per Square Inch.
Trace the outline of your Erect Penis on Day 1 before Penis Pumping, 6 to 10 times on Graph Paper and label each outline as Week 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. Do your first session of Penis Pumping with the protocol you decided on, once you’ve finished using the Bathmate and you dried your Penis thoroughly, trace the outline of your Pumped & Erect Penis again OVER the baseline outline of Week 0, which is the first day of this experiment!
The week after, trace the outline of your Pumped Erect Penis over the Week 1 baseline, comparing your Non-Pumped Erect Penis Starting Size to your Current Pumped Penis Size. Keep doing this week by week until you reach the end of the experiment at the last week of Month 1 or 2, then measure your Current Non-Pumped Erect Penis to your Baseline Non-Pumped Erect Penis, to see how much of a difference this protocol has made!
Again, you are responsible for your penis, hairline, and blood work, you’re not forced to use any of the compounds mentioned in the protocol. You can decide which compounds and dosages you feel comfortable with, just let me know which compounds you plan to take and which dosages. Once you start your personal protocol of comfort; DON’T DEVIATE!
For the data collection to work you shouldn’t miss a planned day of pumping or administration of the compounds you planned to take. If you skipped a few days, please let me know, then I can exclude you from the final results of this community experiment.
Good luck! I hope we can all gain another Inch / 25 Millimeters of Length & Girth, and get some ROI on our efforts and money spent!