Opinion Pieces

Personality & Behavioral Disorders in the Fitness Industry
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Personality & Behavioral Disorders in the Fitness Industry

Most of the Conditions Discussed in this Section will be in relation to People who Gravitate to the Fitness Industry. Individuals who enjoy Recreational or Competitive Body Building or simply fall in the “Gym Rat” Category. None of these Behaviors will directly cause Harm to the Body, but rather Indirect…

How to Interpret Scientific Studies
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How to Interpret Scientific Studies

Science is often used as a Validation Point in order to implement certain Methods into your Body Building or Fitness Regime. YouTube is full of “Science Based” Instructional Videos that proclaim to have the Fastest, most Efficient, most Effective, Highest Results, least Side-Effects, etc. Methods, because a Specific Study confirms…

Body Building & Physical Transformation is about Momentum
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Body Building & Physical Transformation is about Momentum

Momentum is the single most Important aspect of Body Building or any Physique Transformation. While it’s nothing more than a String of Successful Days where you Accomplished everything your needed to do in order to reach your Goals, any Deviation from a Successful Day and you lose the Momentum and…

When are you Ready for your First Cycle?
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When are you Ready for your First Cycle?

There’s about 8 Months between the Comparisons above, consisting of 4 Months Offseason without PEDs (Drug-Free), followed by a 4 Month First Cycle. I was 26 Years Old at the Time I started my First Cycle and had been Performance Enhancing Drug-Free since starting Fitness / Body Building at 15…