Health & Longevity

Coach Steve’s Year-Round Supplement Stack
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Coach Steve’s Year-Round Supplement Stack

In this article, I’ll lay out the Entire Supplement Protocol which I follow Year-Round. A Combination of these Supplements gives me the best possible Blood Work while Following my HRT Protocol and during a Full-Blown Steroid Cycle. Although Additional Supplementation might be Required when Blasting with Heavy Androgenic Compounds or…

How to get a Script for Testosterone or Hormone Replacement Therapy
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How to get a Script for Testosterone or Hormone Replacement Therapy

In this Article I’ll discuss what I did to get my Prescription for Hormone Replacement at a Renowned & Internally Recognized Hospital in Thailand. This Prescription allows me to Legally Travel with a Small Supply of Rotex Medica Testosterone Enanthate & Pfizer Aromasin (Exemestane). Watch or Listen to this Articles…

Relevant Blood Work Markers for the Enhanced Fitness Enthusiast
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Relevant Blood Work Markers for the Enhanced Fitness Enthusiast

The Blood Work Markers below will give any Body Builder or Fitness Enthusiast an Accurate Indication of their Current State of Health and Insight into Areas (or Organs) they need to focus their attention on, in order to Improve certain Health Markers. Blood Work Analysis I always ask new Coaching…

When are you Ready for your First Cycle?
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When are you Ready for your First Cycle?

There’s about 8 Months between the Comparisons above, consisting of 4 Months Offseason without PEDs (Drug-Free), followed by a 4 Month First Cycle. I was 26 Years Old at the Time I started my First Cycle and had been Performance Enhancing Drug-Free since starting Fitness / Body Building at 15…

Coach Steve’s Body Building Portfolio
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Coach Steve’s Body Building Portfolio

Below is a List of everything that I’ve Experimented with over the Years, including all the Subjects of Expertise! Training Principles • Weider Principles• High Volume• Progressive Overload• Progressive Resistance• Full Body / Upper-Lower Split / Push-Pull-Legs (PPL) / 4, 5, 6 Day Bro-Split• Mike Mentzer’s High Intensity Training (HIT)•…